Writer's Choice Grade 11

Unit 8: Sentence Combining

Short answer

Directions: Each item below begins with a sentence model from literature that has an interesting sentence opener. Combine the sentences that follow into a single sentence that matches the structure of the literature model. You may omit words or change their forms as you combine sentence parts.


Conscience-stricken, Leo rose and brewed the tea.

Bernard Malamud, "The Magic Barrel"

  • Beth was satisfied.
  • Beth pushed her chair back from the dinner table and excused herself.

Revision Satisfied, Beth pushed her chair back from the dinner table and excused herself.


Frightened, everyone in the village fled into the canes.

Paule Marshall, "To Da-duh, in Memoriam"

  • The bull was angered.
  • The bull charged the matador.


The staircase window having been boarded up, no light came down into the hall.

Elizabeth Bowen, "The Demon Lover"

  • The bicycle tire had been punctured.
  • Jasmine had to walk the bicycle home.


Patient, cold, and callous, our hands wrapped in socks, we waited to snowball the cats.

Dylan Thomas, "A Child's Christmas in Wales"

  • The producer accepted the Oscar for best picture.
  • She was wide-eyed, joyful, and proud.
  • Her head was lifted high.


Slowly, taking my time, I began the final ascent.

Arthur C. Clarke, "The Sentinel"

  • Leo ran toward the goal line.
  • He ran swiftly.
  • He was holding the football firmly in his arms.


For the first time since my arrival, I was very nearly home.

Maya Angelou, All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes

  • Polly was ready to run a five-minute mile.
  • She was ready for more than a month.

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