Writer's Choice Grade 12

Unit 19: Usage Glossary

Unit Activity Lesson Plan

Students have reviewed preferred usage. In this lesson, they will test their knowledge of several troublesome words.

Lesson Description
Students will complete a crossword puzzle, demonstrating their understanding of commonly misused words.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will successfully employ a usage glossary.
  2. Students will distinguish between commonly confused words.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. except: To leave out
  2. beside: At the side of
  3. lay: To place something
  4. then: Soon afterward
  5. respectively: In the order named
  6. adapt: To adjust
  7. advice: Helpful opinion
  8. effect: Result
  9. altogether: Completely
  10. take: To carry from a nearby place to a more distant one
  11. continual: Refers to an action that occurs repeatedly with pauses between occurrences
  12. proceed: To move along


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