Writer's Choice Grade 12

Unit 24: Using Dictionaries

Unit Activity Lesson Plan

Students have read about using the dictionary. In this lesson, they will use the Merriam-Webster Online Web site to answer questions about specific words.

Lesson Description
Students will use Merriam-Webster Online Web site and answer questions about specific words.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will be able to identify the type of information provided by a dictionary.
  2. Students will able to use the dictionary to answer specific questions.
Student Web Activity Answers
  1. Competition is a noun.
  2. Blue-collar refers to wage earners who must wear work clothes or protective clothing when they work.
  3. A fetlock is located on the back of a horse's leg.
  4. Green is from the Middle English word gren, which is from the Middle English word grene, akin to Old English growan, meaning to grow.


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