Writer's Choice Grade 12

Unit 11: Parts of the Sentence

Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each statement and identify the sentence part of each boldfaced word.

Kamala is a volunteer at the neighborhood soup kitchen.
A)direct object
B)indirect object
C)object complement
D)predicate nominative
E)predicate adjective
In 1960 voters elected John F. Kennedy president.
A)direct object
B)indirect object
C)object complement
D)predicate nominative
E)predicate adjective
Alex offered me two free tickets to Friday's concert.
A)direct object
B)indirect object
C)object complement
D)predicate nominative
E)predicate adjective
Alex offered me two free tickets to Friday's concert.
A)direct object
B)indirect object
C)object complement
D)predicate nominative
E)predicate adjective
The Talbots always remained close to their family in Quebec.
A)direct object
B)indirect object
C)object complement
D)predicate nominative
E)predicate adjective
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