Technology Today and Tomorrow ©2004

Chapter 12: Marketing


A market is
A)a group of wholesalers that sell the same goods.
B)a group of people who might buy a product.
C)a prediction of how many sales will be made.
D)another name for a factory.
Marketing professionals try to determine
A)which suppliers will give a manufacturer the best prices.
B)what people want to buy and how much they will pay for it.
C)how factory flow can be improved.
D)which materials will work best in a product.
Conducting taste tests is one example of
C)test marketing.
D)direct selling.
Which statement is not true about retailers?
A)They may buy products from manufacturers.
B)They may buy products from wholesalers.
C)They are part of every supply chain.
D)They sell products to consumers.
A supermarket is one kind of
A)retail store.
B)wholesale operation.
C)original equipment manufacturer.
D)direct sales operation.
Which of the following is not part of a marketing plan?
A)sales forecast
B)advertising cost estimate
C)distribution plan
D)test marketing plan
Sales made to any institutions that purchase in quantity are termed
A)indirect sales.
B)commission sales.
C)retail sales.
D)wholesale sales.
An OEM manufacturer sells products directly to
A)other manufacturers.
B)department stores.
C)wholesale brokers.
D)the federal government.
Distribution includes all the ways that
A)companies organize workers into teams or departments.
B)factory engineers plot production line statistics.
C)marketing professionals approach consumers during test marketing.
D)manufactured products get from factories to end-users, such as consumers.
Which activity is a form of advertising?
A)stepping up production
B)giving away free samples
C)conducting a survey
D)selling wholesale
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