Tesoro literario

Chapter 10: La traducción

Self-Check Quizzes

¿Tienes hora?
A)Do you have hour?
B)Can you tell me the time?
Está lloviendo a cántaros.
A)Is raining to pitchers.
B)It is raining cats and dogs.
—De nada.
A)—Thank you.
—You are welcome.
B)—Thank you.
—Of nothing.
Le mandó una flor.
A)I sent her a flower.
B)He sent her a flower.
Ella fue a casa de su amiga a pasar la Semana Santa.
A)She goes to her friend's house to spend Easter.
B)She went to her friend's house to spend Easter.
Hemos pasado un fin de semana genial.
A)We have passed a great weekend.
B)We have had a great weekend.
Fuimos a bailar sevillanas.
A)We went sevillana dancing.
B)They went sevillana dancing.
Me gusta que mis parientes vengan a casa a comer.
A)I like having my parents come for lunch.
B)I like having my relatives come for lunch.
Paula esta embarazada.
A)Paula is embarrassed.
B)Paula is pregnant.
Se cortó el pelo.
A)He got his hair cut.
B)He cut his hair.
Al cabo del día, su hermano le pidió que le echara un cabo.
A)At the end of the day, his brother ask him for his help.
B)At the end of the day, his brother asked him for an end.
«Me parece una idea muy buena», dijo el jefe a sus empleados.
A)The boss said to his employees: "This idea is so cool."
B)The boss said to his employees: "This is a very good idea."
Como soy del campo no he sabido enseñarle los secretos de la vida en la ciudad.
A)Since I am from the country I have been unable to teach her the secrets of city life.
B)Since I am from the country I have not known the way to teach her the secrets of city life.
You would say «Ey, compañero, ¿qué hay?» to _____.
A)a job recruiter
B)a friend
Tengo un resfriado descomunal.
A)I have mother of all colds.
B)I have the mother of all colds.
Tanto María como Ana sentían un profundo respeto por la literatura rusa.
A)Both Ana and María felt a deep respect for Russian literature.
B)As much María as Ana felt a deep respect for the Russian literature.
En el pasado, se habían encontrado restos de civilizaciones antiguas en Terrón.
A)In the past, they had found the remains of ancient civilizations in Terrón.
B)In the past, remains of ancient civilizations had been found in Terrón.
La obra tuvo un gran éxito.
A)The play had a big exit.
B)The play was a big success.
El Sr. Campos era un gran hombre.
A)Mr. Campos was a big man.
B)Mr. Campos was a great man.
Pablo Márquez and Leticia Badía had a son called _____.
A)David Márquez Badía
B)David Badía Márquez
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