Economics Today and Tomorrow

Chapter 22: Cybernomics

Student Web Activity

"Cyber Thieves"

Competition for consumers' dollars has prompted entrepreneurs around the world to jump into the Internet marketplace. While the exploding market provides more choices for consumers, it also requires consumers to go online prepared to protect their privacy. Just as you wouldn't go shopping in the mall with your wallet wide open and your credit cards exposed, you shouldn't let your guard down when shopping online. The Better Business Bureau Online educates consumers about shopping online and provides merchants with online marketing guidelines.

Destination Title: The Better Business Bureau Online

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Start at the Better Business Bureau Online Web site.

  • Click on the "For Consumers" tab on the top of the page.
  • Browse through the topics in the "Consumer Information" menu on the left of the page, including "FAQs," "Consumer Benefits," and "BBB Services." Take notes as you go.

Read through the information, and then answer the following questions.

What types of fraud appear on the Internet? What should you do if you've been targeted by fraud?
How can the consumer check out a merchant's business practices before shopping?
What should the consumer keep in mind while shopping online?
How does secure shopping online compare to safety at the mall?
Visit one of your favorite stores online by using a search engine to find its URL. At the site, evaluate its online security features. Does it display a seal from a consumer group or the Better Business Bureau? What information does its privacy and security policies contain? Is a phone number and address listed on the Web site? What other features provide security for the consumer? Write a brief report of your shopping experience and present it to the class.
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