Meeks Heit Health & Wellness, Texas Edition

Lesson 2: Accessing Valid Health Information, Products, and Services

Self-Check Quiz

Which of the following is not a guideline you should use when deciding whether or not a source is providing reliable health-related information?
A)The information is up-to-date.
B)The media supports the product.
C)Local health care professionals can confirm the information.
D)The information is based on research and scientific evidence.
Why is it important to report misleading health information?
A)so that the source does not continue to give out wrong information
B)to relieve your stress
C)so government agencies are kept busy
D)to be paid money for your trouble
What is the value of knowing your family health history?
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A)so you'll know how tall you will be
B)to let others know your family stories
C)to understand any risk factors you may have
D)to keep from getting any diseases
Why is it important to evaluate the source of health information?
A)So you can answer your friends' questions about health.
B)All people who work in the health industry want what is best for you.
C)Doctors know more about health than anyone.
D)Not all sources are concerned with your health.
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