
Chapter 7: Business Structures and Economics in E-Commerce

BusinessWeek Activities

B2B Entrepreneurship Strategies

Have you ever considered going into business for yourself? If so, you are not alone. More than 90 percent of all businesses in the United States are small businesses with fewer than 100 employees. With effective planning, the chances are your new business will succeed. However, when you are unprepared or do not know where to find helpful resources, your business may fail.

Imagine you would like to become an entrepreneur. Use the Internet—starting your search at BusinessWeek.com—to find out what type of information is available to entrepreneurs and in particular, to a business you are specifically interested in opening. Find the answers to the following questions:

  • What kind of support and mentoring is available for would-be entrepreneurs?
  • What classes are available to take?
  • Do universities offer degrees in entrepreneurship?
  • What skills and knowledge should an entrepreneur possess in order to become successful?

Create a one-page flyer or brochure for others who might be interested in becoming an entrepreneur. Use the information you gathered from your research to share helpful tips, Web sites, and other resources in the flyer or brochure.

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