¡Buen viaje!: Level 2

Chapter 8: Emergencias médicas


Emergencias médicas

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  • To talk about some common accidents and medical problems
  • To talk about events that could happen under certain conditions
  • To discuss things that you and others have done recently


  • Remind students to apply their knowledge of accidents and emergencies along with their understanding of cognates in order to determine the meanings of any unfamiliar words they may encounter as they do this activity.
  • You may wish to provide students with the following list of vocabulary words for the ¡A navegar! section.
el aguijónstinger
 las ampollasblisters
 el consejoadvice
 el decálogodecalogue (set of rules)
 pincharto puncture
 primeros auxiliosfirst aid
 la quemaduraburn
 quemarseto burn oneself
 quitarto remove
 la supervivenciasurvival
 el tratamientotreatment


  • After students have completed this activity, have them role-play the interaction between the baby-sitter and the children.
  • Have students brainstorm and then role-play other common emergencies that a baby-sitter might have to deal with. For example: A child falls down some stairs, twists an ankle while playing sports, slips on a wet floor and breaks an arm, cuts a finger or burns a hand while fixing a snack in the kitchen, etc.
  • Have students role-play the conversation between the baby-sitter and the parents. Have them explain the accidents that happened and the treatments administered.
  • As an expansion of questions 2–4 in Después de navegar on the worksheet, have students explain medical emergencies that have happened to them or their family members. Have students explain their injury, their treatments, and their hospital visit. This can be an oral or written activity.


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