Bon Voyage! Level 1A

Chapter 3: Pendant et après les cours


Les activités amusantes

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  • Familiarize students with different activities that French people do in their free time, such as sports, music, and cultural activities
  • Give students practice looking at Web sites that are all in French and finding cognates and words they know
  • Review telling time and the days of the week

  • You may wish to brainstorm with students keywords in French that will help direct them to French-language Web sites to complete this WebQuest.
  • Advise students that they will not know all of the words on the Web sites they explore. However, there will be many cognates as well as words they already know, and students should concentrate on looking for these words.
  • You may want to explain to students that the times on many French sites are written in l’heure officielle. To convert a time after noon to p.m., they should subtract twelve from the hour. Times before and including noon remain the same.


  • Have students make a list of all the activity names they learned in French. Then have them make up times, days of the week, and descriptions for the activities. They can add as many other details as possible to create a fictional community center.


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