U. S. Government: Democracy In Action, Florida

Chapter 7: Congress at Work

Congress at Work

Pigeonholing refers to when a new bill is __________
A)killed in committee by a majority vote.
B)completely rewritten before returning to the House or Senate.
C)ignored by its committee and simply dies.
D)sent to a committee that deals with its subject matter.
A bill can be introduced by __________
A)congressional staff members.
B)private citizens.
D)White House staff members.
The Constitution gives the exclusive power to start all revenue measures to the __________
A)executive branch.
B)House of Representatives.
D)judicial branch.
After a department in the executive branch requests that Congress provide money for one of its programs, Congress passes __________
A)an appropriations bill.
B)a tax bill.
C)an authorization bill.
D)the annual budget.
A lawmaker generally goes along with his or her own beliefs when voting on issues such as __________
A)gun control.
B)social welfare.
C)civil rights.
D)foreign affairs.
To handle the problems of their constituents, lawmakers hire __________
A)CIA agents.
B)Coast Guard officers.
Casework is one way that Congress oversees the executive branch because casework brings __________
A)thousands of voters to town meetings run by lawmakers' staffs.
B)relief to frustrated citizens who can no longer turn to ward heelers.
C)satisfied constituents to the polls on election day to reelect lawmakers.
D)problems with federal programs to the attention of members of Congress.
The "pork barrel" in pork-barrel legislation refers to the __________
A)federal treasury.
B)federal projects.
C)Appropriations Committee.
The president uses the pocket veto when he or she __________
A)refuses to sign a bill and returns it to the house where it originated.
B)signs the bill but objects to some provisions in it.
C)refuses to act on a bill in the last 10 days Congress is in session.
D)keeps a bill for 10 days while Congress is still in session.
An evidence of the power of lobbies is that some of them __________
A)are members of Congress.
B)have their own buildings and professional staffs in Washington, D.C.
C)introduce legislation.
D)control the most influential committees.
US Government: Democracy In Action
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