U. S. Government: Democracy In Action, Florida

Chapter 18: Interest Groups and Public Opinion

Interest Groups and Public Opinion

Interest groups differ from political parties because the interest groups __________
A)try to win elections to gain control of the government.
B)are concerned with only a few issues or specific problems.
C)must attract the support of many opposing groups.
D)consider conflicting issues and problems that affect all Americans.
The National Governors' Association is an example of an interest group that __________
A)could be classified as a professional organization.
B)tries to protect consumers.
C)tries to influence Congress about policies that benefit cities.
D)tries to influence Congress about federal aid to states.
Most often interest groups try to influence government policy by __________
A)making direct contact with lawmakers or other government leaders.
B)using advertising to create public support for their policies.
C)resorting to court action to sway the government in their direction.
D)campaigning for constitutional amendments to achieve their goals.
Most people agree that a contribution from a PAC to a candidate ensures __________
A)that an opposing PAC will not contribute to the candidate.
B)an interest group's lobbyist access to an elected official.
C)that a candidate, if elected, will vote for the PAC's agenda.
D)that a candidate has enough money to win an election.
A liberal believes that national government should __________
A)place restrictions on free speech.
B)regulate business to reduce pollution.
C)support traditional moral values.
D)promote freedom of economic opportunity.
Political socialization begins with __________
A)home and family.
C)peer groups.
D)the mass media.
Through much of American history, a reliable source of information about broad public opinion was __________
A)straw polls.
B)local and state party organizations.
C)interest groups.
A problem with interpreting results of a poll is that __________
A)the methods pollsters use have not changed since the beginnings of scientific polling.
B)major polling organizations take polls that are reliable within a few percentage points.
C)results are important to candidates, businesses, and many organizations.
D)individuals sometimes give what they believe are correct, although not true, responses.
In order to gain support from members of the House of Representatives, lobbyists provide __________
A)payments of large sums of money.
B)testimony that misrepresents facts.
C)pamphlets and other kinds of information.
D)gifts worth less than 500 dollars.
A PAC is considered nonconnected if it is __________
A)not likely to raise money by direct mail to people across the nation.
B)an affiliated interest group.
C)not organized to participate in elections.
D)not connected to any existing interest group.
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