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Internet Exercises
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Chapter 10 Internet Exercises

  1. Visit several company websites. Find and describe one that makes effective use of an appeal or theme based on the following:

    a. One of Maslow’s need hierarchy levels
    b. One of McGuire’s motives
    c. An emotional appeal
  2. Visit several general interest or entertainment sites on the Internet that contain ads. Find and describe an ad that uses the following:

    a. One of Maslow’s need hierarchy levels
    b. One of McGuire’s motives
    c. An emotional appeal
  3. Monitor a hobby- or product-based interest group for a week. What types of motives and emotions are involved with the activity or product? What are the marketing implications of this?
  4. Search for “emotional intelligence” on Google or another search engine. What do the results of this search indicate?

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