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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The three general ways outlets are selected are based on:
D)The order in which the brand and outlet are chosen
E)All of the Above

Internet based shopping is best described by:
A)Convenience items
B)Researched items
C)Replenishment items
D)Big ticket planned purchases
E)All of the above

The most prevalent product purchase of convenience items online, according to researchers, is:
C)Leisure travel
D)Sporting goods
E)None of the Above

The store image is an important evaluative criterion, which has major dimensions that deals with:
E)None of the above

Store brands can be:
A)A collection of departments
B)A manufacturer label
C)Both the store itself and a merchandise brand
D)The number of brands in inventory
E)None of the Above

The price that is used to compare other prices to is called a:
A)Spillover price
B)Sale price
C)Manufacturers reference price
D)Reference price
E)None of the Above

A price that marketers present for the consumer to use to compare prices is called the:
A)Wholesale price
B)Retail price
C)External reference price
D)Introductory price
E)None of the Above

A price or price range that consumers holds and retrieves from memory to compare prices is called:
A)An internal reference price
B)A recognition price
C)A recall reference price
D)A cognitive price point
E)None of the Above

The retail attraction model is designed to:
A)A structure for categorizing product offerings in a retail environment
B)A prototypical store layout that draws customers in the door
C)A prototypical store layout that draws customers to the back of the store
D)Measure the level of store attraction based on store size and distance
E)None of the Above

Perceived risk is both:
A)A cognitive and behavioral pitfall
B)A consumer characteristic as well as a product characteristic
C)The risk associated with a outlet selection and a postpurchase evaluation
D)Is limited to what is called "effort cost"
E)None of the Above

Shopping orientation is defined as:
A)A shopping style that puts particular emphasis on certain activities or motivations
B)The general ritual that consumers follow in a shopping situation
C)The most popular types of retailers an individual prefers
D)A psychographic measure of product preferences
E)None of the Above

Chameleons, collectors/gatherers, foragers, and hibernants are all types of:
A)Psychographic outputs from the Shoppers Types Index (STI)
B)Retail store atmospheres that dictate ambience
C)Consumer segments based on shopping frequency
D)Motivation-based shopping orientations of college students
E)None of the Above

Unplanned purchases are best described as:
A)A rational, yet impulsive purchase
B)An unexpected irrational purchase
C)An accidental purchase of a necessity
D)A purchase that is specific and necessary
E)None of the Above

P-O-P displays:
A)Are effective but not common
B)Are common but ineffective
C)Are best placed at a front endcap
D)Is a strategy focusing on price-of-product
E)None of the Above

Price reductions and promotions are strategies used by marketers to:
A)Affect brand decisions
B)Get rid of outdated merchandise
C)Spend advertising budgets
D)Please the distribution channel
E)All of the above

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