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Internet Exercises
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Chapter 3 Internet Exercises

  1. Visit a site such as the Internet Newspaper ( What value does it have in helping track American values? What other sites are useful for this?
  2. Search for a newsgroup that is relevant for understanding the following. Report on the insights that it can provide.

    a. American values in general
    b. Cause-related marketing
    c. Green marketing
    d. Gender roles
  3. Visit Pick an issue that is relevant to one or more of the values discussed in this chapter and report on the data available relevant to that value.
  4. Evaluate Ben & Jerry’s website (
  5. Determine the size and average income of the gay market using the Internet (you should start with the James C. Hormel Gay and Lesbian Center at the San Francisco Public Library website).
  6. Use the Internet to determine the role of women in purchasing the following:

    a. Cigars
    b. Mountain bikes
    c. Stocks are involved with Nike
    d. Wendy’s
    e. Mary Kay Cosmetics
    f. A firm for which you would like to work
  7. Evaluate an online green shopping mall ( What value does this mall provide consumers? Advertisers? What types of firms advertise here? How would you characterize their ads?

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