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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Cultural values are:
A)Static societal qualities that are resistant to individual influence and control
B)Rules that specify or prohibit certain behaviors in specific situations
C)The complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society
D)Widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable
E)None of the Above

Changes in American values associated with nature continue to:
A)Move from a age focus to a nurturing focus
B)Move from a masculine view to a more feminine view
C)Move from overcoming nature to admiring nature
D)Move from a nonmaterial view to a move materialistic view
E)None of the Above

A response to Americans' increasing concern for the environment is addressed by the concept of:
A)Typological Marketing
B)Cause-related Marketing
C)Gender-based Marketing
D)Green Marketing
E)None of the Above

One of the strategic implications of a concern for the environment is:
A)Developing a product that has a positive impact on the environment
B)Produce products whose use is less harmful to the environment
C)Create ancillary programs that address environmental concerns
D)Tying the purchase of a product to an environmental organization or event
E)All of the above

The application of marketing principles and tactics to advance a cause is called:
A)Social Marketing
B)Green Marketing
C)Advancement Marketing
D)Consumer Behavior
E)None of the Above

Cause-related marketing focuses on three general theme in communications, namely:
A)Activism, Pacifism, and Neutralism
B)Helping, giving, or protecting
C)Charity, ideology, or an activity
D)Telethons, benefits, and non-profits
E)None of the Above

The most recent group of consumers to gain public acceptance is:
A)The Hispanic community
B)The gay and lesbian community
C)The "generation X" community
D)The extreme sport community
E)None of the Above

Marketing to a specific group based on biological sex is called:
A)Physiological marketing
B)Consumption role marketing
C)Ambush marketing
D)Gender-based marketing
E)None of the Above

The expression of femininity and masculinity within an individual represents a trait dimension called:
A)Gender orientation
B)Active/passive value
C)Gender identity
D)Ascribed role
E)None of the Above

The behaviors considered appropriate for males and females in a given society that include evaluation, purchasing, and customer service focuses on the concept of:
A)Consumption influences
B)Gender roles
C)Product delivery systems
D)Androgynous behavior
E)None of the Above

The use of ascribed and achievement roles is a helpful tool for use in:
A)Role reversal analysis
B)Corporate orientation
C)Market segmentation
D)Consumer goal research
E)None of the Above

The notion that a marriage where the husband and wife share responsibilities from work to child care represents a:
A)Traditional gender orientation
B)Nuclear family structure
C)Extended family roles
D)Modern gender orientation
E)None of the Above

Due to the shift is the roles of women in American society, the female market is:
A)Becoming more homogeneous
B)Segmented more than it once was
C)Aligning with the male market
D)A single, but changing, segment in the marketplace
E)None of the Above

Use of gender-based marketing impacts all of the following, except:
A)Retail strategy
B)Product strategy
C)Marketing communications
D)Price sensitivity
E)None of the Above

As gender roles evolve, marketing communications continues to:
A)Become more fragmented and less traditional
B)Remain the same because consumers are still using the same media
C)Maintain its masculine approach because of the more masculine roles of women
D)Show men using products traditionally designed for women
E)None of the Above

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