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The text states that the most important goal of a literature program is
A)To have children become lifetime readers
B)To teach children the skills of reading
C)To keep librarians employed
D)To have children read more books

A primary grade teacher should read aloud
A)5 books per month
B)At least twice a day
C)25 books per year
D)5 or 6 books per year

A discussion of the element of literature
A)Has no place in the elementary school classroom
B)Should be emphasized in the primary grades
C)Should take place only after children have had a chance to respond personally to a book
D)Is an essential part of the literature program

A literature-based reading program is different from a basal reading program in the following way
A)It incorporates stories with characters other than Dick and Jane
B)It uses trade books for all aspects of reading
C)It involves teacher-made worksheets
D)It is not supported by district funding

Storytelling is different from reading aloud because
A)It should be used less frequently
B)It does not require as much practice as reading aloud does
C)No book is used with the audience during storytelling
D)It is appropriate to use only with primary grade students

The most important element of the classroom environment for literature is
A)Attractive book displays
B)An enthusiastic teacher
C)An active parent-teacher organization
D)Support from the principal

A teacher-made collection of resource materials about a book is known as a

One value of making things in response to books is
A)Children return to the book to verify information
B)It keeps children occupied on a rainy day
C)Parents like to see attractive classroom displays
D)Children relax when they are engaged in hands-on activities

Literacy growth can be shared with parents effectively through
A)A letter
B)A list of books the child has read
C)The results of standardized tests
D)Discussing the child's assessment portfolio

The authors describe the primary purpose of a literature program as
A)Developing appreciation
B)Linking literature to life
C)Discovering delight in books
D)Developing appreciation

An appropriate form for primary grade children's exploration of art media is
C)Oil painting
D)Linoleum block prints

Children can explore literature through music in the following way
A)Composing music to accompany a story
B)Adding verses to a familiar song
C)Using song books as predictable reading material
D)All of the above

A critic of a library book becomes a censor when he or she
A)Decides the book is okay for the library
B)Questions why the book was purchased
C)Asks for specific book titles to be purchased for the library
D)Tries to have a book removed from the shelves

The primary power in having children keep journals is
A)It keeps them occupied for a long time
B)It provides a place for the teachers to ask children questions
C)Children can write creatively
D)Children own the ideas in their journals

A web is
A)A method for organizing a classroom library
B)A visual brainstorming tool used to generate and record ideas
C)A network of books related to a theme
D)An assessment tool for beginning readers

Huck: Child LitOnline Learning Center

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