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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Power held by a person based on his/her personality is termed ____ power.

The most negative source of influence is _____ power.

Which statement best explains how people become leaders?
A)Their internal traits are the ideal ones for the situation.
B)Their external characteristics match the internal traits of others in that situation.
C)They have the ability to subordinate negative personality traits when the situation requires it.
D)They know instinctively which kind of power is appropriate for a particular situation.

What is the best definition of functional leadership?
A)The leader takes charge of the agenda and evaluates ideas.
B)All voices are heard and all have equal status.
C)Every member of the group leads in some area.
D)There is no acknowledged leader and little structure within the group.

Which of the following does NOT describe the functional leadership style?
A)It is not obvious who is leading the group at any particular time.
B)Leadership varies with the task and moves from one individual to another.
C)This style focuses on the strengths of each member.
D)This style leads to less efficient discussion, although decisions are carefully considered.

In which of the following circumstances would an authoritarian leader be ineffective?
A)when a job needs to be done quickly
B)when there is substantive disagreement within the group
C)when the leader has particular expertise on the topic
D)when the leader is the only ongoing committee member

Which statement about the democratic leadership is FALSE?
A)Democratic leadership can also be functional, in that the leader may vary with the task.
B)The democratic leader does not intervene in discussion and does not impose an agenda.
C)This leadership style works best when everyone is equal in status and knowledge.
D)This style provides more opportunities for creative thinking than the authoritarian style.

In comparing functional leadership and situational leadership, which statement is correct?
A)The situation becomes the driving force only in situational leadership.
B)The particular group task becomes the driving force only in functional leadership.
C)In functional leadership, the leadership style of the same person changes according to the situation.
D)In situational leadership, the same leader changes his/her style according to the situation.

Situational leadership includes four distinct styles. Which of these is NOT correctly explained in the statements below?
A)Telling is oriented towards the group rather than the task.
B)Selling involves persuasion and explanation to gain group support.
C)Participating focuses more on the leader and group and less on the task.
D)Delegating involves a disengaged leader and members assuming responsibility for the task.

In comparing selling and telling, two styles of situational leadership, which statement is true?
A)Both involve two-way communication.
B)Both promote a positive environment.
C)Selling is a more coercive style than telling.
D)Selling is more focused on gaining group support.

The two most important qualities for a group leader are being
A)neutral and democratic.
B)assertive and objective.
C)objective and democratic.
D)objective and neutral.

Which of the following items is often an impediment to the progress of the group?
A)a hidden agenda
B)an agenda that has too many detailed items
C)minutes that have too many inaccuracies
D)the convener

Which of the following actions would NOT be helpful when the leader wants to help the group progress?
A)interrupting someone who is dominating the discussion
B)summarizing what has been discussed so far
C)calling the group's attention to redundant or unrelated information as a means to getting them to move on to another item
D)being assertive and diplomatic in keeping the discussion on track

Which of the following functions is NOT mentioned as a responsibility of the group leader?
A)encouraging social interaction
B)being willing to shoulder a large portion of the work
C)focusing on answers
D)raising questions

Which of these descriptions fits the immature group?
A)It is overly dependent on its leader and is often passive.
B)It has a preponderance of people who assume maintenance roles.
C)It has a preponderance of people who assume task roles.
D)It has a disproportion of harmonizers-compromisers.

Which of the following is a maintenance role?
C)information givers and seekers

Which of the following is a task role?

Which of these explanations of maintenance roles is correct?
A)Observers help the secretary to keep accurate minutes.
B)Regulators make sure that the time spent discussing a certain item is in proportion to its importance.
C)Encouragers praise and commend those who contribute to the discussion.
D)Harmonizers-compromisers help the chairperson at times when his/her opinion differs from the majority opinion of the group.

Which of the following items is NOT a common source of conflict?
D)work distribution

Which of the following approaches to managing group conflict is correctly defined?
A)Accommodation: the leader gives in to the wishes of the majority of the group.
B)Avoiding: the group has split into factions and are so far apart that they all agree to avoid discussing the issue.
C)Compromise: the leader is willing to compromise with the wishes of the majority of the group.
D)Competition: group members care about winning more than they care about the feelings of other members.

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