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Who of the following does not link caregiving with curriculum/education?
A)Jean Piaget
B)Magda Gerber
C)Emmi Pikler
D)Anna Tardos

Interactions between a caregiver and a child in which the actions of each are closely tuned to the other are described as

Regarding the primary caregiving system of infant care, which of the following statements is false?
A)Primary caregiving systems were developed for use with children who had failed to form an attachment with their mothers.
B)Primary caregiving systems work best when taking a team approach where each child interacts with staff members other than the primary caregiver on a daily basis.
C)Exclusive attachments in primary caregiving systems can create problems of ownership.
D)In primary caregiving systems, record keeping is usually done by primary caregivers on their own babies.

Experts recommend that infants should never be laid down by themselves with a bottle. What is the reason for this recommendation?
A)This type of feeding can lead to choking.
B)This type of feeding is associated with increased risk for ear infections.
C)This type of feeding can lead to tooth decay.
D)All of the above are reasons to avoid this type of feeding.

Six-month-old Kelly is cared for in a timely manner with warmth and responsiveness. According to Erik Erikson, these routines should help Kelly develop a sense of

Regarding the introduction of solid foods, which of the following guidelines is correct?
A)Introduce a few new foods at a time, but keep all the food within the same food group.
B)Add small amounts of seasoning to healthy foods (e.g., vegetables) that the child is not interested in eating.
C)Introduce a food by giving just a taste; then add another mouthful per day until the child is taking in a reasonable portion.
D)Only begin adding solids to the diet after nine months of age.

Regarding diaper changing, your text recommends that it should be _______.
A)routine and completed as quickly as possible.
B)a time to distract the child with a toy so that the task can be completed easily.
C)highly individualized and interactive.
D)completed by the staff member with the most patience.

Which of the following is not a true statement about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?
A)Babies who sleep in cribs are safe from SIDS.
B)The risk factor of SIDS is reduced when babies sleep on their backs.
C)Even though infants might favor a particular sleep position, they should be put to sleep on their backs until old enough to turn themselves over (unless a doctor indicates otherwise).
D)It's important for caregivers to know about the risk factors associated with SIDS.

Before she begins toilet training her daughter, Shonice is waiting until the toddler understands how to use a toilet. Which sign of readiness is Shonice waiting for?
A)emotional readiness
B)physical readiness
C)maturational readiness
D)intellectual readiness

Your text focuses on transitions for children over 2 because _______.
A)programs for infants are not usually scheduled in the same way as programs for older children.
B)infants' emotions aren't well enough developed to respond to transitions.
C)infants don't have the intellectual capacity to notice changes.
D)older children are always so rebellious and resist transitions.

Of the following preschool teachers, which one is using the least effective method for making a transition?
A)Mr. John arranges his classroom to eliminate crowded areas that might contribute to shoving and crowding.
B)After completing center time, Ms. Emily waits until every child is present and paying attention before beginning circle time.
C)When sending children to wash hands, Ms. Christine has a few children go at a time while the remaining continue with their task.
D)When they are about to have a transition, Mr. Ron warns the children a few minutes ahead of time.

Which type of transition is usually most difficult for children?
A)moving from activity to activity
B)cleaning up
C)arrivals and departures
D)moving from lunch to naptime

ABC Preschool follows an antibias curriculum. The teachers at this preschool are most likely to use
A)music to expose children to different cultures.
B)posters of children around the world to broaden children's horizons.
C)group time as a time to practice listening and participating in preparation for kindergarten.
D)group time as an opportunity to talk about cultural, racial, and gender issues.

A preschool teacher who has recently been assigned to the toddler room, Cathie wants to create a circle time. Which of the following approaches is most likely to make her circle time successful as well as beneficial for the toddlers in her room?
A)training the children to sit still in a large group by using a reward and punishment system
B)making very small groups and allowing children to choose to leave
C)using the television to entertain the children and get them to sit still and listen
D)strapping them in chairs so they can't leave

Which preschool teacher is most likely to have an effective circle time?
A)Janice puts children in time-out who can't learn to sit still and listen during circle time.
B)Kelsey thinks it helps children grow if they have activities presented to them that are beyond their age level, so she does kindergarten activities with 4-year-olds.
C)Lauren plans age-appropriate, participatory activities that are suited to the interests and attention span of the group.
D)Brittany uses mealtimes for circle times because the children are busy eating so they don't bother each other and they can learn what she wants to teach them.

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