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Reflection Questions
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Are you a by-the-schedule person? Why are you the way you are? How well do you think you would fit in most early childhood programs? How do you feel about your answers to these questions?

Remember a time when you experienced synchronous interactions--when you were in sync with someone. Describe it. How did that feel? How did you benefit? Can you use your experience to help you recognize synchrony in caregiving?

What are your personal experiences around feeding issues? How can you use your experiences to help in your work with young children?

Are you a napper? Were you always a napper? How do your sleeping habits relate to your understanding of the sleeping needs and program demands the early childhood educator may have to juggle?

Do you remember your own toilet training? Do you think you have any issues left over from it? What are your ideas and feelings about toilet training other people's children?

Are you a person who has "transition problems?" Can you understand a child who does?

How do you feel about order? To what degree should order be kept in young children's environments? To what degree should the children themselves be held responsible? What were your own childhood issues about "picking up" (if any)?

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