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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is not true regarding Greek tragedy?
A)It served a religious function.
B)The tragedians created new stories each year to entertain the festival attendees.
C)The drama relied on both individual actors and a chorus.
D)Of the hundreds of plays written, only 44 survive.
The Iliad is a work that describes events related to the:
A)founding of Minoan culture
B)early battles of the Persian Wars
C)attack of the Dorians on Mycenae
D)Mycenaean attack on the coastal city of Troy
A direct democracy is one in which:
A)all citizens take part in making laws
B)all citizens have the right to vote
C)women are accorded equal legal status with men
D)citizens make law through elected representatives
Which one of the following is NOT true of ancient Greek life?
A)Each polis had its own language and religion.
B)Each polis had its own government, coinage, and military.
C)The city-states of Greece were fierce rivals.
D)The city-states of Greece united against the Persians.
The pre-Socratic philosophers were searching for:
A)the meaning of virtue
B)the basic "stuff" of nature
C)the meaning of justice in society
D)an ethical way of life
Socrates refused to escape from an Athenian jail because he:
A)felt he was too old to go into exile
B)hoped the jury would reverse its decision
C)refused to dishonor the laws of the polis
D)looked forward to rewards in the afterlife
Plato's Theory of Forms conveys the idea that:
A)reality lies in the objects of sense perception
B)all truths are relative
C)reality lies in a realm beyond sense perception
D)nature is ordered by the resolution of opposites

The Humanistic Tradition, 5eOnline Learning Center

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