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Appendix A -- Conducting Focus Groups

The primary disadvantage of focus groups is:
A)the cost of conducting them.
B)the limitation on the number of participants.
C)the difficulty in interpreting the results.
D)the special facilities that are required to conduct them.
E)the demand for a capable, experienced moderator.
Of all those involved in conducting a focus group, the ________ plays the key role.
B)research analyst
E)data collection agency
A focus group agenda:
A)is much more flexible than a survey questionnaire.
B)has questions framed very loosely and broadly.
C)lists topics that need not be approached in order.
D)contains questions that encourage elaborate answers.
E)All of these.
If participants take the conversation in a direction the researcher or sponsor didn't anticipate, the moderator should:
A)try to adhere to the schedule more closely.
B)quickly but gently return to the topics scheduled.
C)let the conversation deviate, but not too far afield.
D)allow participants to go where they may with it.
E)permit the deviation for only a few minutes.
When all members of a focus group share a similar set of socioeconomic characteristics:
A)they tend to become competitive with one another.
B)that facilitates group interaction.
C)that creates costly redundancy in the results.
D)it tends to restrict the breadth and depth of the findings.
Over-compensation of focus group participants is harmful because it:
A)wastes the sponsor's resources.
B)detracts from what's' available for survey work.
C)tends to create a "positive" bias to reactions.
D)makes participants distrustful or suspicious.
E)results in the wrong kind of participants.
Moderators tend to be more effective when they:
A)know some of the participants.
B)are favorably disposed toward the issues in question.
C)are one of the sponsor's own staff.
D)share similar biographic characteristics with participants.
E)are familiar with the sponsor's organization or industry.
Which is NOT a moderator skill identified in the text?
A)Enjoy the company of the group.
B)Pursue unanticipated avenues well.
C)Build rapport with others quickly.
D)Display keen knowledge of the topics.
E)Sense members' moods effectively.
Which is NOT true of online focus groups?
A)They're often adequate substitutes for conventional focus groups.
B)Their moderator's role is highly limited.
C)It's difficult or impossible to create any group dynamics.
D)Exposure to external stimuli is strictly limited.
E)There's no way to be sure the right people are participating.
An effective focus group agenda will include:
A)mainly or entirely what participants think, feel, and do.
B)mainly or entirely why participants respond the way they do.
C)both the "what" and the "why."

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