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Essay Quiz
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Define ethical pluralism. How could ethical pluralism be beneficial to a culture? How could it be detrimental?
John McCain proffers that moral courage is require at all time. We need moral courage to be honest all of the time. Explain an experience when you knew being honest would bring unwelcome results. How did you handle the problem? Were you able to maintain your moral courage or did you do what was necessary to avoid the unwelcome results. Explain your answer.
In "Pay It Forward", Trevor, a young eleven year old boy, takes on a major endeavor. Can we consider Trevor courageous because he never gives up? Even when faced with setbacks, i.e. Jerry's relapse with drugs, Trevor moves on to find another to help. Is he courageous or is he looking only to prove his project will work? Explain using examples from the text.
What do you believe was the intent of President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he said to the troops during World War II, "The only thin g we have to fear is fear itself"? Was he attempting to boost morale, heighten courage, or…?
Compare Kant's definition of bravery to the actions/behavior of Jessica Lynch, the female POW who was rescued from an Iraqi hospital.
Define the term "courage" in your own words then compare your idea of "courage" to the concept as defined by Senator John McCain, "We can admire virtue and abhor corruption sincerely, but without courage we are corruptible".
Do you believe that only those people who fight in combat, rescue an injured stranger, etc. are the only people who can be considered "courageous"? Explain your answer using specific material from the text.
Can a person who commits or attempts suicide be sane? If he or she is sane, can we then apply the right vs. wrong, the moral vs. immoral interpretation for the action. Why or why not?
If a person dies as a result of self-sacrifice (perhaps a mother who is protecting her child from imminent death), is that not suicide? Consider the suicide bombers from Japan in World War II, or the terrorists who commandeered the planes on 9/ll, did they commit suicide or was it self-sacrifice?
When we owe something to someone, it is expected that we feel gratitude toward the giving individual. Do you believe we are obliged to feel gratitude or to show gratitude just because it is expected? Explain your answer with specific examples.

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