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News Writing and Reporting for Today's Media, 7/e
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Exercise 16.1
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Exercise 16.6
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Exercise 16.8
Exercise 16.9

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Broadcast Writing

Exercise 16.9

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Exercise 16.9 (20.0K)

Here is information from a story written by Mark Carlson, a reporter for KOOL radio in Phoenix. Write a broadcast story based on the information.
     A family planning bill passed the Arizona House but was killed a few minutes later in the Senate because Democrats were upset that moderate Republicans attempted to compromise with anti-abortionists.
     The bill would have allocated $300,000 for planning services for poor people. The bill stipulated that money would go to counties, not to private agencies such as Planned Parenthood.
     Rep. Trent Franks of Phoenix noted that improvements were made in the bill. But he still cast a nay vote in the House.
     Here is a 15-second actuality from Franks: "I have to vote no on the bill because some of the funds can still be used for abortion counseling. But it'll certainly be a lot less than it was before. I appreciate everyone trying to make it better."