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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The core value leading to best practices that urges us to put aside vengeance, retribution, and reactivity is _____________.
D)avoid objectifying

In Combs’ four-stage cycle of conflict, stage _____ is where some change or adaptation has to happen since most people cannot stand staying at an intolerable level of conflict.

In preventing destructive avoidance, the setting of ground rules and allowing time for others to prepare for discussion is labeled:
A)putting them at ease
B)providing safety
C)changing the mode of communication
D)framing the conversation as relationship-building

The following are suggestions to help you work with your own avoidance, except for:
A)safety comes first
B)stay with the process when you feel afraid; don’t give in to your avoidant urges
C)initiate conversation rather than waiting
D)ask for help if you are stuck

The following are suggestions for de-escalating spirals, except for:
A)set and keep ground rules for interaction
B)expand the issues instead of limiting them
C)look for ways to reframe the other’s behavior in positive ways
D)meta-communicate about the spiral

When you are the one escalating a conflict, do the following, except for:
A)recognize your escalation for what it is
B)learn that anger is not a reason to escalate
C)remember that fear fuels anger, so keep your fear suppressed
D)prevent future escalation by mending relationships and apologizing

In the expanded problem-solving model, the first step or sequence is:
A)clarify everyone’s perceptions of the problems and stressors
B)determine the causes and stressors
C)set ground rules for the process
D)identify the problem (not the problem person)

To prevent conflict, you are likely to achieve the best results by doing which of the following?
A)changing yourself
B)changing the situation
C)changing the other person
D)changing the conflict venue to a neutral location

Effective skills for dispute resolution one-on-one include all of the following, except for:
A)initiate a conversation as opposed to avoiding it
B)use a calm, cooperative communication style and an informal tone while listening
C)treat the other party fairly and with respect
D)keep the conversation open to all those around the conflicting parties

An effective post-conflict communication protocol might include the following, except for:
A)talk out tough topics openly with others present
B)be direct and specific, leaving no room for doubt
C)assume the best, not the worst
D)thank the person for the talk

Wilmot,InterpersonalConflict7eOnline Learning Center

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