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aesthetics  A culture's sense of beauty and good taste
appropriate technology  The technology (advanced, intermediate, or primitive) that most closely fits the society using it
Asian religions  Primary ones: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism (India); Confucianism and Taoism (China); and Shintoism (Japan)
associations  Social units based on age, gender, or common interest, not on kinship
boomerang effect  Situation in which technology sold to companies in another nation is used to produce goods to compete with those of the seller of the technology
bribes  Gifts or payments to induce the receiver to do something illegal for the giver
caste system  An aspect of Hinduism by which the entire society is divided into four groups (plus the outcasts) and each is assigned a certain class of work
Confucian work ethic  Drive toward hard work and thrift; similar to Protestant work ethic
culture  Sum total of beliefs, rules, techniques, institutions, and artifacts that characterize human populations
demonstration effect  Result of having seen others with desirable goods
ethnocentricity  Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group (see the self-reference criterion in Chapter 1)
extended family  Family that includes blood relatives and relatives by marriage
extortion  Demand for payment to keep the receiver from causing harm to the payer
lingua franca  A foreign language used to communicate among a nation's diverse cultures that have diverse languages
material culture  All human-made objects; concerned with how people make things (technology) and who makes what and why (economics)
Protestant work ethic  Duty to glorify God by hard work and the practice of thrift
technological dualism  The side-by-side presence of technologically advanced and technologically primitive production systems
unspoken language  Nonverbal communication, such as gestures and body language

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