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Multiple Choice Quiz
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A set of expectations that prescribe how females and males should act, think, and feel is called
B)gender role.
C)gender typing.
D)gender identity.
Janice has enlarged adrenal glands, resulting in too many androgens. She has which of the following conditions?
C)Pelvic field defect
D)Fragile X syndrome
A biological boy who is intentionally or accidentally castrated and raised as a girl will have which of the following outcomes?
A)The child will have positive outcomes only in those cultures that support this practice.
B)The child will have positive outcomes as long as all family members consistently view him as a girl.
C)The child will believe and feel he is a girl.
D)The child will believe and feel he is a boy.
_______ emphasizes that children's gender development occurs through observation and imitation of gender behavior.
A)Psychoanalytic theory of gender
B)Interactionist view of gender
C)Social cognitive theory of gender
D)Evolutionary psychology view of gender
Which of the following statements best explains how parents interact with their children?
A)Mothers place more restrictions on their son's autonomy than their daughter's.
B)Fathers place more restrictions on their son's autonomy than their daughter's.
C)Mothers socialize daughters to be more obedient than their sons.
D)Fathers socialize daughters to be more obedient than their sons.
Followers of the cognitive developmental theory of gender believe that gender-typed behaviors occur only after children
A)develop gender constancy.
B)develop a gender schema.
C)develop ideas of maleness and femaleness in the "gender school."
D)are reinforced for behaviors by parents.
Chase is a typical college student who just participated in a research study examining gender stereotyping. If he is like the majority of other college students, his results will indicate which of the following?
A)Gender stereotyping rarely exists in college.
B)Gender stereotyping is pervasive (i.e., occurs a lot) in college.
C)College males engage in more gender stereotyping than females.
D)College females engage in more gender stereotyping than males.
The finding that females and males differ in their relationship connectedness reflects which type of gender difference?
Which of the following statements is true?
A)Females have a longer life expectancy than males.
B)Females are more resistant to infection than males are.
C)Females have about twice the body fat of males.
D)All the above statements are true.
Brain differences between males and females indicate that
A)male brains emphasize sexual behavior more than female brains (via the hypothalamus).
B)female brains emphasize visuospatial skills more than male brains (via the parietal lobe).
C)the corpus callosum is larger in male brains than in female brains.
D)Both (a) and (b) are true.
Alice Eagly believes that any gender differences are best explained by which of the following factors?
A)Evolutionary psychology
B)Social conditions
C)Reinforcement by parents
D)Psychoanalytic theory
All of the following are tips to help boys with their gender development EXCEPT
A)encourage boys to be sensitive in relationships.
B)encourage boys to be more self-assertive.
C)encourage boys to handle their emotions more effectively.
D)work with boys to improve their school performance.
Androgyny suggests the presence of _____ traits and characteristics.
C)both feminine and masculine
D)neither masculine nor feminine
Gender role transcendence refers to
A)asymmetric gender socialization.
B)the belief that competence should be characterized in terms of personal meaning rather than masculinity, femininity, or androgyny.
C)the presence of both feminine and masculine traits and characteristics.
D)the tendency for psychological and behavioral differences between boys and girls to become greater during adolescence.
According to UNICEF's analysis of education around the world, by age 18, girls have received an average of ________ education than boys have.
A)4.4 years more
B)4.4 years less
C)6.2 years more
D)6.2 years less

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