Writer's Choice Grade 12

Unit 26: Spelling


If you have an extensive vocabulary, you probably know the meaning of words that you can't spell. In fact, you probably use words in conversations every day that you would have trouble spelling correctly. Reading is one of the best ways to improve your spelling. It helps you recognize spelling patterns and visualize words so that you know when the spelling of a word looks correct.

If you notice and remember common sound patterns and learn basic spelling rules, you can improve your spelling. For example, there are two basic rules for adding a prefix to a word. Retain the spelling of the original word and do not use a hyphen unless the root word is capitalized or the prefix is "ex." Additional basic rules help you add suffixes to words. Any exceptions to the general rules must be memorized.

An important spelling tool is your computer spelling checker. However, don't rely on it too much. It can't tell you when a word you spelled correctly doesn't make sense in the sentence. Always proofread your documents.

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