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Persuasion In The Media Age
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  • Provides an early chapter (4) on media influences on persuasion and builds on that emphasis thorough the text.
  • Acknowledges the essential role visual images play in persuasive practices.
  • Emphasizes the increasing attention paid to audience analysis, audience segmentation, and demographics research.
  • Coverage of ethics. Additionally, "Ethical Insights" boxes specially relating ethics to each chapter are integrated throughout.
  • Coverage of contemporary theory: Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Paul Messaris, Michael Calvin McGee-as well as some of the postmodern theorists' work-are outlined in the book in an engaging and accessible style.
  • Chapters 12 through 15 cover a variety of specific contexts including politics, social movements, advertising, and interpersonal persuasion; Chapter 16 provides instruction for presenting a persuasive campaign.
  • End-of-chapter summaries and discussion questions; Glossary; Extensive list of references for further study.
  • Two types of pedagogical boxes: Ethical Insights boxes indenitfy examples of issues pertaining to ethics and integrity related to persuasive practices. Thinking Critically about Persuasion boxes, integrated throughout, provide issues and insights related to persuasion that emphasize skills necessary for being a critical consumer of persuasive messages.