Environmental Science, 10th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 15: Air, Weather, and Climate

GE Exercise: Vostak Station, Antarctica

<a onClick="window.open('/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/8888888555/484165/google.jpg','popWin', 'width=210,height=178,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (34.0K)</a>

Take a virtual field trip with Google Earth!
Google Earth is a free, online application that uses satellite imagery to allow the user to zoom across the globe in a realistic, virtual environment. Downloading Google Earth is free at http://www.earth.google.com.

An overview manual is available by clicking here... Google Earth Overview (342.0K)

To continue:
- Make sure you have the Google Earth software installed and running.
- Copy the following latitude and longitude and paste into the "Fly to" field under the Search tab.
- Hit "Enter" for Google Earth to take you to the specified coordinates, then come back here and read the following overview.

Latitude/Longitude: -78.4181, 106.772

Overview: Vostok Station, Antarctica, p. 332

The Russian Vostok Antarctic Station, located at 78 degrees S, 106 degrees E, is the site that produced the longest ice core to date. Ice cores contain ice from thousands of years ago, as well as carbon dioxide and methane trapped in gas bubbles. By examining the subtle differences in the weight of oxygen and hydrogen atoms in ancient ice, climatologists can find clues to ancient climate conditions—such as how warm and cold the earth's atmosphere was. The Vostok core is the longest record to date, reaching 3,623 km long (over 3 km!) and 420,000 years.

Imagery in this part of the world may be poor when viewed close up. Zoom out to see Vostok's location in Antarctica. This is the most remote and coldest permanently staffed station in Antarctica.

Look up the Vostok Antarctic Station online; what is its elevation?
A)app. 4,883 m
B)app. 8,834 m
C)app. 8,348 m
D)app. 3,488 m
Why was it useful to drill at this elevation?
A)The ice here is softer than in other parts of Anarctica.
B)Stations at other elevations were not available for drilling.
C)This location is easily accessed from the coast.
D)This location gives a deep ice record.
E)At this elevation, global positioning is more accurate.
What is the latitude at Vostok?
A)87 degrees S
B)87 degrees N
C)78 degrees S
D)87 degrees N
What is the lowest latitude (closest to the equator, smallest number) on the continent?
A)About 52 degrees S, at the South Shetland Islands
B)About 63 degrees S, at the tip of the Palmer Peninsula
C)About 72 degrees S, at King George Island
D)About 68 degrees S, at Pinnacle Rock
E)About 72 degrees S, at Elephant Island
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