Chemistry (Chang), 9th Edition

Chapter 25: Synthetic and Natural Organic Polymer

Self Assessment A

Polyethylene is made by:
A)addition polymerization
B)condensation polymerization
C)nucleophilic displacement polymerization
E)Either A or B
A copolymer
A)is two strands of the same repeating unit.
B)is prepared by mixing two different monomers.
C)is exemplified by polystyrene.
D)relates to polymerization resulting from the mixing of ethylene from natural and synthetic sources.
Polyvinyl chloride is an example of a/an:
A)denatured protein
One characteristic of the monomers that form condensation polymers that is not common in monomers that form addition polymers is:
A)the presence of alkyl side chains
B)their ability to form free radicals
C)the presence of pi bonds
D)the presence of two functional groups
How do we classify polymers made from a reaction that produces small molecules (such as water) as well as the polymer?
A)condensation polymer
B)elimination polymer
C)aqueous polymer
D)addition polymer
A protein is:
A)a polymer of amino acids
B)a fatty acid ester of glycerol
C)a polysaccharide
D)an addition polymer
E)a polymer of fatty acids
An amino acid is a compound that has two functional groups in common and one of 20 other groups attached to a central carbon atom. The two functional groups are a(n) ________ and a(n) _________.
A)carbonyl; amine
B)carboxylic acid; amine
C)ester; amine
D)carboxylic acid; amide
E)alcohol; amine
Because amino acids have both a basic and acidic site in the same molecule,
A)the acidic site can pick up a proton from the basic site.
B)the basic site can donate a proton to the acidic site.
C)the acidic site can donate a proton to the basic site.
D)a dipolar ion exists at any pH.
E)None of the above.
The interactions that are primarily responsible for the stabilization of the helical structure of certain proteins are:
A)hydrogen bonds
B)dispersion forces
C)covalent bonds
D)ionic interactions
E)steric interactions
DNA consists of repeating units, called nucleotides. Nucleotides are composed of:
A)an amino acid and a phosphate group
B)a phosphate group, deoxyribose, and an amino acid
C)phosphoric acid, ribose, and a base
D)a phosphate group, deoxyribose, and a base
Which of the following is incorrectly paired?
A)polypropene; R groups are all CH3
B)isotactic; R groups are all on one side
C)atatic; R groups are deposited at every other C
D)syndiotactic; R groups are alternated from side to side
Which statement is incorrect concerning the primary structure of proteins?
A)Primary structure is based on the sequence of amino acids.
B)Amino acids are connected by a relatively unstable covalent bond.
C)The 4 atoms comprising the peptide bond lie within the same plane.
D)Primary structure is of great importance to the resultant protein.
The secondary structure of proteins is based on:
A)intramolecular hydrogen bonding only
B)intermolecular hydrogen bonding only
C)both the intramolecular and intermolecular bonds
D)hydrogen bonding between proteins
Proteins exhibit flexibility in their final shape.
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