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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Household purchase and consumption behavior is influenced by:
A)The demographic characteristics of a family
B)The age, marital status, and the presence of children in a household
C)The process of making a decision within a household
D)The individual desires of those in a household
E)All of the above
F)None of the Above

Specifically, family household is defined as:
A)The presence and number of adults
B)The type of dwelling of two or more persons
C)The presence and number of children in a unit of related persons
D)A units that consists of two or more related persons
E)None of the Above

A family consisting of a couple, one or both of whom were previously married, their children, and the children from the previous marriages is called:
A)Broken family
B)Melting-pot family
C)Blended family
D)Nuclear family
E)None of the Above

A household made up of householders who either live alone or with others whom they are not related is called:
A)A single household
B)A broken household
C)A contemporary household
D)A nonfamily household
E)None of the Above

The stage of a household is significant because:
A)It incorporates the economic stability of the household unit
B)It determines how many individuals are present in the household
C)It dictates, to a certain extent, the unique needs of the family unit
D)It helps define the financial viability as a consumer
E)None of the Above

Family decision making is based on:
A)A process by which decisions that effect more than one person are made
B)A democratic system where everyone's needs are met
C)The quality of the information gatherers
D)The knowledge of the decision maker
E)None of the Above

While there are multiple roles in the family purchase process, the final choice is always made by the:
D)Decision maker
E)None of the Above

In a family decision process,
A)Each person in a household has an influence in the process
B)One person may serve in several, if not most, of the roles
C)The adults are relied upon as experts
D)The final conclusion is always a joint decision
E)None of the Above

The member of the family who initiates the idea of a purchase
A)Is the one who makes the purchase
B)Is the one who makes the final choice
C)Is the one who recognizes a need
D)Is the one who decides when to buy
E)None of the Above

The importance of the roles in the family decision process is based on:
A)The notion that a formal stage of role specification takes place
B)The idea that all members have input into the final choice that is made
C)The notion that the personal characteristics of the family members will be recognized
D)The notion that different individuals often become involved at different stages of the process
E)None of the Above

While there are many different roles in the family decision process, children are typically limited to:
D)Decision makers
E)They are not limited to one role

Making a group decision is frequently met with disagreements; however, they can be addressed by:
A)Placing the decision in the hands of the initiator
B)Always using a bargaining tactics to reach a compromise
C)Employing a variety of conflict resolution tactics
D)Providing a environment that is conducive to satisfying all family members
E)None of the Above

Consumer socialization is:
A)The preoperational phase of the decision process that involves referencing the information gatherer
B)The involvement of a group of individuals who can provide an unbias opinion on circumstance involved in a decision process
C)The open discussion of consumer issues in an effort to create and facilitate an efficient marketplace
D)The process by which young people acquire skill, knowledge, and attitudes relevant to their functioning as a consumer
E)None of the Above

Modeling, mediation, and instrumental training are all examples of :
A)Sales representative training programs
B)Learning theories used in marketing strategy
C)Motivation theories
D)Consumer socialization
E)None of the Above

Piaget's stages of cognitive development are most helpful to:
B)Develop members into specific roles
C)The consumer socialization of children Appropriately place family members in roles that maximize their utility
D)Understand the structure and stage of a household
E)None of the Above

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