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(See related pages)

contingency approach  Using management tools and techniques in a situationally appropriate manner; avoiding the "one best way" mentality.
(See page(s) 15)
diversity  The host of individual differences that make people different from and similar to each other.
(See page(s) 11)
diversity management  Policies, activities, and organizational changes aimed at managing individual differences in order to enable all people to perform up to their maximum potential.
(See page(s) 11)
e-business  Running an entire business via the Internet.
(See page(s) 9)
employment equity  Legislation intended to remove employment barriers and promote equality for the members of four designated groups—women, visible minorities, Aboriginal people, and persons with disabilities.
(See page(s) 11)
glass ceiling  Invisible barrier blocking qualified women and minorities from top management positions.
(See page(s) 11)
globalization  The extension of business operations to markets around the globe.
(See page(s) 14)
organizational behaviour  A field of study dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work, both individually and in groups.
(See page(s) 4)
Theory X  Negative, pessimistic assumptions about human nature and its effect on productivity.
(See page(s) 7)
Theory Y  Positive assumptions about employees being responsible and creative.
(See page(s) 8)
total quality management  An organizational culture dedicated to training, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction.
(See page(s) 8)

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