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360-degree feedback  Comparison of anonymous feedback from one's superior, subordinates, and peers with self-perceptions.
(See page(s) 75)
continuous reinforcement  Reinforcing every instance of a behaviour.
(See page(s) 82)
extinction  Making behaviour occur less often by ignoring or not reinforcing it.
(See page(s) 82)
extrinsic rewards  Financial, material, or social rewards from the environment.
(See page(s) 76)
feedback  Objective information about performance.
(See page(s) 72)
intermittent reinforcement  Reinforcing some but not all instances of behaviour.
(See page(s) 82)
intrinsic rewards  Self-granted rewards that come from within an individual.
(See page(s) 76)
negative reinforcement  Making behaviour occur more often by contingently withdrawing something negative.
(See page(s) 81)
operant behaviour  Learned, consequence-shaped behaviour.
(See page(s) 80)
positive reinforcement  Making behaviour occur more often by contingently presenting something positive.
(See page(s) 81)
punishment  Making behaviour occur less often by contingently presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive.
(See page(s) 81)
reward equality norm  Everyone should get the same rewards.
(See page(s) 78)
reward equity norm  Rewards should be tied to contributions.
(See page(s) 77)
reward need norm  Rewards should be tied to needs.
(See page(s) 78)
shaping  Reinforcing closer and closer approximations to a target behaviour.
(See page(s) 83)
upward feedback  Employees evaluate their boss.
(See page(s) 74)

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