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How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Book Cover
How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 5/e
Jack R. Fraenkel, San Francisco State University
Norman E. Wallen, San Francisco State University

Inferential Statistics

Multiple Choice Quiz


A sampling distribution is a distribution of
A)study participants.
D)raw scores.

In a normal distribution, 95% of the scores are within + or -
A)one standard deviation of the mean.
B)two standard deviations of the mean.
C)three standard deviations of the mean.
D)four standard deviations of the mean.

The standard deviation of a statistic is called
A)the standard error.
B)the sampling error.
C)a quartile.
D)a confidence interval.

Which of the following is an example of a null hypothesis?
A)Motivation is not related to achievement.
B)Highly motivated people are more likely to be successful than those with low motivation.
C)Highly motivated people are less likely to be successful than those with low motivation.
D)Motivation is related to achievement.

If researchers report that a result is statistically significant, we can be certain that
A)the results are important.
B)the outcomes of the study could be due to chance only 5 times in 100.
C)the sample statistics in the study are equal to the population parameters.
D)the researchers rejected the null hypothesis.

If a researcher rejects a null hypothesis, the researcher either
A)is incorrect, or made a Type I error.
B)is correct, or made a Type I error.
C)is incorrect, or made a Type II error.
D)is correct, or made a Type II error.

An inferential technique for analyzing the relationship between two categorical variables is
A)analysis of variance.
B)analysis of covariance.
C)the Mann-Whitney U test.
D)the chi-square test.

Certain types of procedures that allow researchers to make inferences about a population based on findings from a sample best describes
A)descriptive statistics.
B)inferential statistics.
C)correlational statistics.

What is the term that describes the difference between a sample and its population?
A)sampling error
B)the chi-square test
C)descriptive statistics
D)inferential statistics

Which type of hypothesis specifies that there is no relationship in the population?
A)research hypothesis
B)descriptive hypothesis
C)null hypothesis
D)inferential hypothesis

When researchers make various assumptions about the nature of the population from which the sample involved is drawn, this is a requirement of
A)nonparametric techniques.
B)the null hypothesis.
C)sampling error.
D)parametric techniques.

When researchers make few, if any, assumptions about the nature of the population from which the sample involved in the survey is drawn, this refers to
A)sampling error.
B)parametric techniques.
C)nonparametric techniques.
D)null hypothesis.

t-test for means
A)used when comparing two sets of rankings
B)used when comparing several sets of scores
C)used when comparing two sets of scores
D)used with categorical data

Mann-Whitney U test
A)used when comparing two sets of rankings
B)used when comparing several sets of scores
C)used when comparing two sets of scores
D)used with categorical data

A)used when comparing two sets of rankings
B)used when comparing several sets of scores
C)used when comparing two sets of scores
D)used with categorical data

Analysis of Variance
A)used when comparing two sets of rankings
B)used when comparing several sets of scores
C)used when comparing two sets of scores
D)used with categorical data