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How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Book Cover
How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 5/e
Jack R. Fraenkel, San Francisco State University
Norman E. Wallen, San Francisco State University


Problem Sheet

Problem Sheet 7: Instrumentation

  1. The question or hypothesis in my study is ___________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________________

  3. The types of instruments I plan to use to measure my variables are: ______________
  4. _____________________________________________________________________

  5. Circle one of the following:
    1. I plan to use an existing instrument.
    2. I plan to develop an instrument.

  1. If I need to develop an instrument, here are two examples of the kind of questions
    I would ask (or tasks I would have students perform) as part of my instrument:
  2. a.___________________________________________________________________


  3. These are the existing instruments I plan to use: ______________________________
  4. _____________________________________________________________________

  5. The independent variable in my study is ____________________________________
  6. I would describe it as follows (circle the term in each set that applies)

    [quantitative or categorical] [nominal or ordinal or interval or ratio]

  7. The dependent variable in my study is _____________________________________
  8. I would describe it as follows (circle the term in each set that applies)

    [quantitative or categorical] [nominal or ordinal or interval or ratio]

  9. My study does not have independent/dependent variables. The variable(s) in my study is (are)
  10. _____________________________________________________________________

  11. For each variable above that yields numerical data, I will treat it as follows (check one in each column):
  12.  Independent DependentOther
    Raw score__________ __________ __________
    Age/grade equivalents__________ __________ __________
    Percentile__________ __________ __________
    Standard score__________ __________ __________
  1. I do not have any variables that yield numerical data in my study _____________



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