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Multiple Choice 2
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External respiration involves or requires all of the following except
A)contraction of the diaphragm.
B)production of carbon dioxide by tissues.
C)the exchange of gasses between the blood and alveoli.
D)the exchange of gasses between the blood and the cells of the body.
Which of the following would be found in the respiratory zone of the respiratory system?
A)An alveolus.
B)A bronchus.
C)A bronchiole.
D)The trachea.
A)is a protein produced by type II alveolar cells.
B)is excessive in many premature infants resulting in difficulties breathing.
C)decreases the surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli.
D)is lacking in individuals suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Which of the following muscles must contract during quiet, relaxed respiration?
A)External abdominal oblique muscles.
B)Internal abdominal oblique muscles.
C)Rectus abdominis muscles.
D)None of the above.
Spirometry can be used to accurately measure all of the following except
A)expiratory reserve volume.
B)inspiratory reserve volume.
C)residual volume.
D)tidal volume.
Black lung disease is
A)an extreme from of asthma which causes necrosis of the lung.
B)an extreme form of emphysema causing scarring of the lung.
C)a type of bronchitis.
D)a type of pulmonary fibrosis.
When comparing alveolar and atmospheric air
A)alveolar air is under greater pressure.
B)the partial pressure of oxygen is greater in alveolar air.
C)the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is greater in atmospheric air.
D)the partial pressure of nitrogen is greater in alveolar air.
Which of the following is true regarding the neural centers regulating respiration?
A)The apneustic center stimulates inspiration.
B)The pneumotaxic center stimulates inspiration.
C)The I neurons antagonize the effects of the inspiratory center.
D)The rhythmicity center is located in the pons.
Hypercapnia would
A)produce respiratory alkalosis.
B)stimulate decreased ventilation.
C)stimulate firing of both the central and peripheral chemoreceptors.
D)be compensated for by metabolic acidosis.
The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve is shifted to the left by
A)increased temperature.
B)increased pH.
C)increased 2,3-DPG.
D)all of the above.
Methemoglobin has a lower affinity for oxygen than deoxyghemoglobin because
A)it consists of a single alpha and beta chain.
B)carbon monoxide is bound to the iron atom.
C)carbon dioxide is bound to the iron atom.
D)the iron has been oxidized to the ferric state.
High concentrations of hemoglobin F would be found in
A)individuals diagnosed with beta thalassemia.
B)individuals diagnosed with sickle cell anemia.
C)individuals treated with erythropoietin.
D)individuals recently receiving a blood transfusion.
Which of the following is not true regarding carbon dioxide transport in the blood?
A)The majority of carbon dioxide is transported as bicarbonate ions.
B)The majority of bicarbonate ions are found within the erythrocyte.
C)Very little carbon dioxide is transported free in the blood.
D)Carbonic anhydrase is capable of producing both carbon dioxide and carbonic acid.
Respiratory acidosis
A)occurs when the pH of the blood is greater than 7.45.
B)may result from hyperventilation.
C)may result from hypoventilation.
D)can not be corrected by altering renal bicarbonate retention.
In order to maintain respiratory function at higher altitudes
A)erythropoietin secretion is increased.
B)respiratory rate decreases.
C)the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is increased.
D)none of the above.

Human Physiology, 8eOnline Learning Center

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