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benchmarking  A technique for measuring a firm's performance against the performance of others that may be in the same or a completely different industry
bottom-up planning  Planning process that begins at the lowest level in the organization and continues upward
competitive advantage  The ability of a company to have higher rates of profits than its competitors
competitive strategies  Action plans to enable organizations to reach their objectives
competitor analysis  Process in which principal competitors are identified and their objectives, strengths, weaknesses, and product lines are assessed
competitor intelligence system (CIS)  Procedure for gathering, analyzing, and disseminating information about a firm's competitors
contingency plans  Plans for the best- or worst-case scenarios or for critical events that could have a severe impact on the firm
industrial espionage  Act of spying on a competitor to learn secrets about its strategy and operations
international strategy  The way firms make choices about acquiring and using scarce resources in order to achieve their international objectives
iterative planning  Repetition of the bottom-up or top-down planning process until all differences are reconciled
mission statement  A broad statement that defines the organization's purpose and scope
scenarios  Multiple, plausible stories about the future
top-down planning  Planning process that begins at the highest level in the organization and continues downward
values statement  A clear and concise description of the fundamental values, beliefs, and priorities of the organization's members.
vision statement  A description of the company's desired future position if it can acquire the necessary competencies and successfully implement its strategy

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