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contract manufacturing  An arrangement in which one firm contracts with another to produce products to its specifications but assumes responsibility for marketing
cooperative exporters  Established international manufacturers that export other manufacturers' goods as well as their own
direct exporting  The exporting of goods and services by the firm that produces them
distributors  Independent importers that buy for their own account for resale
export trading company (ETC)  A firm established principally to export domestic goods and services and to help unrelated companies export their products
franchising  A form of licensing in which one firm contracts with another to operate a certain type of business under an established name according to specific rules
indirect exporting  The exporting of goods and services through various types of home-based exporters
joint venture  A cooperative effort among two or more organizations that share a common interest in a business enterprise or undertaking
licensing  A contractual arrangement in which one firm grants access to its patents, trade secrets, or technology to another for a fee
management contract  An arrangement by which one firm provides management in all or specific areas to another firm
manufacturers' agents  Independent sales representatives of various noncompeting suppliers
sales company  A business established for the purpose of marketing goods and services, not producing them
sogo shosha  The largest of the Japanese general trading companies
strategic alliances  Partnerships between competitors, customers, or suppliers that may take one or more of various forms, both equity and non equity
trading companies  Firms that develop international trade and serve as intermediaries between foreign buyers and domestic sellers and vice versa

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