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Multiple Choice Quiz
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When an international company hires and trains local, host country people, the IC often:
A)pays them too much and creates inflation.
B)over-trains them to IC culture-based standards.
C)may lose them to local firms or other ICs once they are trained.
D)encourages their transfer, causing brain drain.
When host county nationals are employed:
A)training costs are a minimum.
B)they are familiar with local customs, culture, and language.
C)they are already familiar with the home country.
D)any conflict of interest is removed.
Generalizations about third country nationals are difficult because:
A)the IC usually does not know enough about their backgrounds.
B)the geocentric staffing policy prohibits these generalizations.
C)it is difficult to obtain work permits for their spouses.
D)people achieve the TCN status in different ways.
For expatriate employees, the salary portion of the compensation package is:
A)usually higher than employees at the same level in the home company.
B)usually lower than employees at the same level in the home company.
C)usually within the range of the employees at the same level in the home company.
D)usually on a separate, expatriate schedule.
International status is the status of:
A)every expatriate employee.
B)third country nationals.
C)employees of international organizations.
D)the IC employee who is receiving all applicable allowances and bonuses plus perks.

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