Environmental Science, 10th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 9: Food and Agriculture

GE Exercise: Contour Plowing

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Google Earth is a free, online application that uses satellite imagery to allow the user to zoom across the globe in a realistic, virtual environment. Downloading Google Earth is free at http://www.earth.google.com.

An overview manual is available by clicking here... Google Earth Overview (342.0K)

To continue:
- Make sure you have the Google Earth software installed and running.
- Copy the following latitude and longitude and paste into the "Fly to" field under the Search tab.
- Hit "Enter" for Google Earth to take you to the specified coordinates, then come back here and read the following overview.

Latitude/Longitude: 44.3866, -92.1321

Overview: Contour Plowing, p. 201

This non-glaciated region of Minnesota has steep, easily eroded bluffs. Planting crops in alternating strips along the contour of the slope helps hold back the soil. It also makes attractive patterns from the air. If you explore around this area, you'll see many examples of conservation tillage.

Why are some fields planted in regular square shapes while others have complex patterns of differently cultivated strips?
A)Different patterns of cultivation are due to aesthetic differences among the farmers.
B)The square areas are where previously irregular terrain was filled in with dirt.
C)Different patterns are the result of the needs of different crops.
D)Square fields are flat whereas complex fields are hilly.
E)The complex patterns are actually caused by malfunctions of the aerial sprayer planes.
What are the rough-textured, dark green areas?
A)Choppy water in lakes turned green from algal blooms
B)Wooded areas not under cultivation
C)Areas where previously cultivated crops are growing wild, endangering the native plant species
D)Lettuce crops
E)Shrubbery farms
What large river is directly north of these fields?
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