Environmental Science, 10th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 9: Food and Agriculture

GE Exercise: Irrigation Circles

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Google Earth is a free, online application that uses satellite imagery to allow the user to zoom across the globe in a realistic, virtual environment. Downloading Google Earth is free at http://www.earth.google.com.

An overview manual is available by clicking here... Google Earth Overview (342.0K)

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- Make sure you have the Google Earth software installed and running.
- Copy the following latitude and longitude and paste into the "Fly to" field under the Search tab.
- Hit "Enter" for Google Earth to take you to the specified coordinates, then come back here and read the following overview.

Latitude/Longitude: 37.7972, -99.1471

Overview: Irrigation Circles, p. 195

These circles are the dominant pattern of Midwestern agriculture, especially in regions growing corn. They are created by center-pivot irrigation systems in which a long line of sprinklers circles around a well or other water source.

Why is this type of irrigation advantageous?
A)It uses fewer pesticides than traditional methods of irrigation.
B)It irrigates extensive areas without direct supervision, including rough grounds.
C)The equipment is relatively cheap and easy to maintain.
D)Problems with the irrigation equipment can be detected by imperfections in the irrigation circle.
E)Irrigation circles are aesthetically pleasing.
Zoom out to an eye altitude of 50 or 60 miles. Would you say that most crops in this area are irrigated or farmed without irrigation?
A)Zero to a quarter of crops in this area are irrigated.
B)Between a quarter and a half of crops in this area are irrigated.
C)Between a half and three-quarters of crops are irrigated.
D)More than three-quarters of the crops in this area are irrigated.
E)Without exception, all crops are irrigated.
Irrigation on this scale became possible with the invention of efficient pumps. Pumps made possible the use of nearly free groundwater or river water, when combined with abundant, cheap energy to run the pumps. Which of these resources is likely to be most limiting for farmers in years to come? (Choose the most accurate answer.)
C)Both resources will be limiting factors in the future, but it’s difficult to predict which one will be most significant.
D)Neither resource is likely to become a limiting factor for farmers in the future.
How big is each circle?
A)Each circle is 1/8 mile in diameter.
B)Each circle is ¼ mile in diameter.
C)Each circle is ½ mile in diameter.
D)Each circle is 1 mile in diameter.
E)Each circle is 2 miles in diameter.
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