Environmental Science, 10th Edition (Cunningham)

Chapter 9: Food and Agriculture

GE Exercise: Fish Farm, China

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Fish farm, China p. 187

As ocean harvests of seafood decline because of overfishing and destructive harvest techniques, growing fish in ponds and net pens and cages has become an increasing source of food for human consumption. Currently, about half of all seafood consumed directly by humans comes from aquaculture operations. This large aquaculture facility in South China is probably growing fish for local consumption. An even larger group of pens can be seen in the next bay to the south, but the resolution isn't as good.

Growing fish in high concentrations requires use of pesticides and antibiotics to keep diseases and parasites under control. The feces and uneaten food that drain from the pens can pollute local waters and cause severe eutrophication in confined bays or small lakes. Fish (often exotic species or genetically engineered varieties) can also escape and invade local populations.

Near what major city is this farm located?
D)Hong Kong
Why do you think is the main reason such a large aquaculture facility would be located here?
A)The fish prefer this location and grow best here.
B)The Chinese are very fond of seafood, and there are 10 million in Hong Kong and another 10 million on the mainland in Shenzhen and Guangzhou.
C)It is near big shipping lanes and thus has easy access for exporting the fish.
D)Hong Kong has lower taxes than the rest of China so it is economically practical to farm fish here.
E)This is the historical location for fishing, so fish farms naturally developed here after it became clear that the ocean was being over-harvested.
Is this salt or fresh water aquaculture?
A)It is salt water.
B)It is fresh water.
C)It is both.
D)It is neither.
What is the main reason the fish farm is located here rather than out in the open ocean?
A)It is closer to the processing facilities.
B)The fish prefer it here.
C)This location is protected from storms, waves, and strong currents that could damage pens and free the captive fish.
D)There are fewer predators in this bay than in the ocean.
E)Harvesting the fish is easier here than in the open ocean.
Extra credit: A large tourist facility (which was still under construction when this image was made) is shown on Lantau Island about 13 km NW from the fish farm. What is this place?
A)Olympics Stadium
B)Shrine to the Lost Soldier
C)Disney World, China
D)Giant statue of Chairman Mao
E)Massive convention center
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