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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Edgar had been dating Shareena for months. Last night, Shareena dumped him. Edgar thought about it and concluded that he was better off in the long run without Shareena. What type of coping strategy is Edgar using? (Learning Goal 1)
A)Active-cognitive strategy
B)Active-behavioral strategy
C)Avoidance coping strategy
D)Meaning-making coping strategy
Edgar had been dating Shareena for months. Last night, Shareena dumped him. Edgar thought about it and concluded that they should go to a counseling center to try to improve their dating skills. What type of coping strategy is Edgar using? (Learning Goal 1)
A)Active-cognitive strategy
B)Active-behavioral strategy
C)Avoidance coping strategy
D)Meaning-making coping strategy
Edgar had been dating Shareena for months. Last night, Shareena dumped him. Edgar did not think about it, nor did he take any action. What type of coping strategy is Edgar using? (Learning Goal 1)
A)Active-cognitive strategy
B)Active-behavioral strategy
C)Avoidance coping strategy
D)Meaning-making coping strategy
Gipper Rockne was the starting quarterback for the Fighting Transylvanians. Every week, he would view videotapes of his outstanding plays. He always saw himself winning, never saw himself make mistakes, and always saw himself in a positive mood. Several months later, Rockne became the youngest quarterback to play in the Draconian Super Bowl. Rockne was practicing (Learning Goal 2)
A)cognitve restructuring.
B)positive self-talk.
C)positive self-illusion.
D)increased self-control.
Gipper Rockne was the stating quarterback for the Fighting Transylvanians. Every week he would view videotapes of his outstanding plays. When playing, he would tell himself, "You can do this. You did it before." Several months later, Rockne became the youngest quarterback to play in the Draconian Super Bowl. Rockne was practicing (Learning Goal 2)
A)cognitve restructuring
B)positive self-talk.
C)positive self-illusion.
D)increased self-control.
All of the following are views on optimism except (Learning Goal 2)
A)Optimists explain bad events as the result of external, unstable, and specific causes.
B)Optimism is much like self-efficacy and belief in an external locus of control.
C)Optimists function more effectively and are mentally healthier than pessimists.
D)Optimism is not always good and can have costs if it is too unrealistic.
Procrastinata has not been doing well in college. She says that her professors are poor teachers and the tests are unfair when explaining her failing grades. Procrastinata (Learning Goal 1)
A)has an internal locus of control.
B)has an external locus of control.
C)has a strong sense of self-efficacy.
D)has the ability to delay immediate gratification.
Cleara Now had a boyfriend who was constantly using her, lying to her and taking her money. She finally had enough and told herself that she could no longer love this loser. She made a list of the advantages of being out of love with this man. When she found herself thinking positively about this man, she would think, "Stop!" and substitute an item from her list. Cleara is engaging in (Learning Goal 2)
A)positive self-talk.
B)positive self-illusion.
D)thought stopping.
Concerna has a difficult midterm exam coming up. She knows that she will get stressed out and fail if she does not prepare well. To cope with the upcoming stress, Concerna develops a program of study to prepare herself for the exam. This is an example of (Learning Goal 2)
A)reactive coping.
B)proactive coping.
C)cognitive restructuring.
D)social coping.
Worka Haulic has been down in the dumps. The pressures of her job have been getting to her. Which of the following may help her to cope with this stress? (Learning Goal 2)
A)Go to work earlier and stay later until all her work is done.
B)Stay at home for a few days and not talk to anyone until the blues pass.
C)Go out to dinner and a movie with a friend.
D)Get a new job that is less stressful.
Nolonga Aspouse is going through a very painful and bitter divorce. Needless to say, she's under a great deal of stress. Which of the following should she do to cope with this stress? (Learning Goal 2)
A)She should seek out social support.
B)She should exercise regularly.
C)She should practice relaxation.
D)She should do all of the above to increase the likelihood of coping successfully.
During the blizzard of 1978, much of the Northeast was shut down. Most roads were closed, many homes were without power, and people were forced to stay in their homes for up to a week. Although this was a highly stressful event, many found positive experiences such as closer relationships with family and friends. This is an example of (Learning Goal 3)
A)reactive coping.
B)proactive coping.
C)positive self-illusion
Stress management programs may (Learning Goal 4)
A)teach a variety of techniques.
B)teach a single technique.
C)address a specific problem.
D)all of the above.
Zena sat on the floor with her legs crossed under her and kept repeating a humming sound. Zena was (Learning Goal 4)
B)proactively coping
D)doing biofeedback.
Zena sat on the floor with her legs crossed under her and kept repeating a humming sound. Zena was (Learning Goal 4)
A)stopping a thought.
B)reciting a mantra.
C)maintaining a floating state of awareness.
D)doing awareness meditation.
Electra is lying down trying to relax. She is connected to an instrument which emits a soft tone whenever she produces a brain pattern of relaxation. Electra is using ________ to relax. (Learning Goal 4)
A)Transcendental Meditation
B)mindfulness meditation
C)awareness meditation

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