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Internet Exercises
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Going Shopping Online

Consumer behaviour is a complex concept, which is influenced by many different variables and situations. This exercise should enable you to analyse parts of the buying process in an online context.

Activity: Shopping online – simulation exercise. Think of a product you would like to own, it may be something that you really need or something you have always thought you would like to own. Visit as many websites as required to find a suitable purchase solution.

Please note: The aim of this exercise is to analyse your own purchase behaviour up to the point of purchase. You are not expected or required to make a purchase.

Questions: Using your online shopping experience identify:

  1. The problem you were seeking to solve.
  2. The extent of your information search.
  3. The choice criteria which informed your decision making.
  4. Whether this was (would be) a high or low involvement purchase.

Jobber, Marketing 5eOnline Learning Center

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