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How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Book Cover
How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, 5/e
Jack R. Fraenkel, San Francisco State University
Norman E. Wallen, San Francisco State University

Variables and Hypotheses

Problem Sheet

Problem Sheet 3: The Research Hypothesis

  1. My research question is: ________________________________________________
  2. I intend to use a hypothesis to investigate this question. Yes _____ No ______
  3. If no, my reasons are as follows: __________________________________________
  4. _____________________________________________________________________


  5. If yes, my hypothesis is: _________________________________________________
  6. _____________________________________________________________________

  7. This hypothesis suggests a relationship between at least two variables.
  8. They are ____________________ and ____________________

  9. More specifically, the variables in my study are:
    1. Dependent ________________________________________________________
    2. Independent _______________________________________________________

  1. The dependent variable is (check one) categorical ______ quantitative ______
  2. The independent variable is (check one) categorical ______ quantitative ______

  3. Possible extraneous variables that might affect my results include:
    1. __________________________________________________________________
    2. __________________________________________________________________
    3. __________________________________________________________________
    4. __________________________________________________________________
    5. __________________________________________________________________



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